At the outset of the COVID-19 pandemic, MFF made a commitment to be an effective partner to the communities and nonprofits we serve. As we evaluated the developing social and economic impact of COVID-19, it became clear funding was needed to ensure the continuation of essential services and support for vulnerable populations.
Today we are announcing the second round of emergency relief funding of $1 million to be distributed to 14 community foundations and United Way partners around the country that will allocate funds to selected nonprofits in their area. In total, the funding will support 115 different organizations to continue their life-changing work.
The decision to release this funding comes at an important national moment. May 5th marks the first #GivingTuesdayNow, a new global day of giving specifically addressing the pressing needs related to COVID-19. We’re proud to join this global movement in supporting nonprofits who provide critical services all the time, but especially during this unprecedented pandemic.
Coincidently, May 5th marks the fifth anniversary of MFF Chief Disruptor Carrie Morgridge’s award-winning book “Every Gift Matters”. The book demonstrates how to leverage a gift of any size by making it work harder and worker smarter to ultimately have a bigger impact.
“Five years ago we released Every Gift Matters to inspire more people to give what they can, starting where they are. Today we are committing $1 million on #GivingTuesdayNow to support organizations fostering collaboration, kindness, and resilience in communities. It’s not up to just me. It’s not up to just you. It’s up to us.” – Carrie Morgridge
As an organization, we cannot think of a better way to celebrate both of these occasions than an investment in our partners’ futures. We thank our no-profit partners for their impactful and important work to serve others, and are grateful for the opportunity to ensure their work continues. It is our hope that this funding will have a profound impact on the communities they serve.
Share what you are doing on #GivingTuesdayNow and tag #EveryGiftMatters to be highlighted on #ThinkMFF social media.