Tools and Resources
MFF Publishing produces a variety of tools and resources to help nonprofit professionals learn and grow. We provide these resources free of charge, so they will benefit the individuals and communities who need them.
MFF Publishing produces a variety of tools and resources to help nonprofit professionals learn and grow. We provide these resources free of charge, so they will benefit the individuals and communities who need them.
Funders want to see impact data. Organizations need to know what works and why in order to gain funding, prove impact, tell data-driven stories and better serve their communities.
Our new six-part Data for Nonprofits Workshop Series is a self-guided introduction to data design, measurement, and application created specifically for nonprofit professionals. It’s designed for program managers, fundraisers, grant writers, marketing professionals and C-level leadership.
Learn more
Strong relationships and trust between police departments and the communities they protect are essential to improving public safety. Community Oriented Policing (COP) Houses are part of a proven initiative pioneered by the Racine Police Department for improving community and law enforcement relations and lowering crime rates. In MFF Publishing’s very first project, we partnered with the Racine Police Department to publish their COP House Playbook. The playbook shows how to replicate their model, making it more accessible for communities across the country.
Provide your name and email to subscribe to the MFF newsletter. The playbook will be available to download immediately after submission. *Please note, the PDF download is designed for Chrome and may not work on other browsers.*
A system of universal basic food could reduce hunger and…
Just Value aims to correct the under-appraisal of homes